Squash beaver
A sexual position when a woman of 600 pounds or more jumps into a split on the face of her partner.
“Hey I saw najeel broke his neck what happened?”

“Oh him and misses attempted the squash beaver”
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That person who creates the dam that prevents information flow from the client to the people actually doing the show.
Dude, all I want to do is take care of your show and your client. Stop being an AV Beaver.
by Soundsman February 10, 2016
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When you are performing cunalingus on a woman while she is taking a crap 💩
T was performing a brown beaver on B while she sat on the toilet taking a poo!
by TB012417 💜 April 29, 2021
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A Pillow Beaver not to be confused with Pillow Biter, is typically a mammal of the human variety. He/She will gather all of the pillows to their side of a sleeping area creating a dam like effect. This Dam prohibits the calm waters of natural sleep to wash over any other mammals in said sleeping area. They do this unintentionally for it is intrinsic in their nature, thus a Pillow Beaver.
Adam: Dude I'm spent I crashed over at Cougar Dana's last night. I woke up at like 4am my neck was killing me, I look over and she has like nine pillows on her side of the bed. I slept like dagg' shit.

Lee: Dude what a freakin' Pillow Beaver.

Adam: I know right.
by Wellhung2178 January 22, 2014
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a beaver that comes and takes your coochie it is really bad for all the bois
the coochie beaver is a way of telling people i want to take your coochie
by why the fuuuuuuu November 6, 2020
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Foul smelling vagina.

Beaver slang for Vagina
Man you don't wanna mess with her, she's got athletes beaver man.
by Murdoc June 24, 2017
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Cologne..50$, new kicks..150$, goin out with a loaded beaver bat...priceless
by Mj2020 September 7, 2018
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