a thing that windows7starter (Windows7Ultimate) (a real user's username) is known as. A Mac.
"you're a mac" -Strultz
by Cheddeyy January 3, 2022
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a MAC owner who uses his laptop to masturbate to a variety of pictures and porn sites.
Hey, did you see that picture of Emma Stone? She is so hot, I had to MAC-wack-it before I went to work today.
by Lady Cupcake October 14, 2009
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An attack that you are likely to experience after a night in bed with the Macnamee...
Often brought on by the lack of clean sheets, christmas smell and southern nature of this Macnamme creature

Main symptoms include
1) a rash
2) using words like concur

3) eating veggie rubbish
4) conistantly applying Mac Lipstick.

Can only be cured by recieving a magic drink for the Goddes Bella B.
Mate i had one of those Mac Attacks last night. worst experience of my life...
by Bella B February 2, 2010
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