Pretending to care about the environment just because it looks good.
Person 1: Hey man, why did you litter? Don't you care about global warming?

Person 2: Nahh dude, I'm just eco-trendy. But look at my all-natural cotton pants!
by Alasaurusrex December 27, 2007
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When a person says they "have deppression" (or anxiety or any mental illness) just to get attention, they'll say stuff like "I'm depressed!" And "I'm gonna kill myself" because being sad and lonely is apparently trendy and they can't make friends any other way. They normally don't understand that there are actually people on this planet who actually struggle with that stuff and pretending to have a mental illness is childish and rude. These people will post stuff on their Twitter depressing quotes about heartbreak and being sad, it normally sounds something like "had my heart broken so many times I forgot how it feels when it's put together." They're normally try to one up people's circumstances with shit that has never happened to them
Person: I got in a big fight withy mom
These bitches: I hate my mom!
Person: life is really tough right now
Kid with trendy depression: I fucking hate life I'm gonna kill myself
by Cokezero12 December 1, 2019
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when someone is trendy but eats hot Cheetos in the morning
"Billy from tinder is ghetto trendy"
by billyfromtinder April 17, 2021
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A trendy person is someone who is down with the latest fashion and style.
Linda Fernandez is a trendy person, who smiles with two thumbs up at how trendy she is!
by Ants124 November 14, 2007
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A woman or gay man that is intoxicated on a daily basis, gets trashed, shit faced, and wasted, and still manages to look fashionable. These trendy drunks are typically spotted in major art and fashion schools.
Girl 1: "How does that chick's hair still look so good after she drank a bottle of vodka, threw it up in the sink, and drank some more?"

Girl 2: "She must be a trendy drunk. Betch."
by Trendy Drunk January 29, 2012
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1.) Popular cartoon character/mascot amongst bad girls silk screened on women's T shirts. The character is designed by David and Goliath Tees.
2.) Hot chic on myspace from Seattle, WA who owns a hip clothing store. Her profile name is Trendywendy.
"Hey Christina, did you get that new Trendy Wendy shirt?"
"Ha ha! Yeah, I got the one where Trendy Wendy is like, displacing that guys nuts into outer space!"
"Bitch! I love that one! Oh well, I guess we can wear them on the same days to look like double trouble bad bitches!" (High five slap)
by Christina09 November 13, 2007
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Someone who pretends to be a muso, but is only interested in the music of the moment.
Helen used to be into grunge, but now she's a mod. She's a trendy wendy
by impychimpy July 24, 2005
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