the act of shiting on a womans tits and then sitting on them and sliding down her dody leaving a shit trail, or a muddy san francisco hill.
you take a dump on a girl then you sit on her and slide down her body and leave a shit smear on her. - the magical san francisco mud trolley. created by tim henson of the distorted view dailey show.
by DVforLIFE May 17, 2009
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When you shit in one hand and then fist someone in the ass with it, while reaching around and pouring vodka in their mouth with your other hand
I just shit in my hand and am feeling kinda turned on by it, I might offer someone a Saint Petersburg Pump Trolley.
by Thugnanimous April 15, 2021
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similar to "got off my kool aid," but with way more Italian jealousy. When an absolutely gorgeous redhead is involved, an Italian guy would say "get off my red trolley!"
by Not-A-Competition January 26, 2013
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When one uses a shopping trolley to collect young children from school and then commits sexual assault on them in a nearby carpark.
"Hey Mark, fancy going trolleying tonight?"

"Yeah mate,.... How you doing though, you alright yeah?"
by Daddydingleberry April 23, 2019
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A streetcar is a self-propelled electric railway vehicle typically found running on rails embedded into streets.
**In downtown Tampa** *Points at Trolley* Hey look a trolley!
by Zephyrette June 18, 2021
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