These are people who lead a life of the mind, often focusing on arts and philosophy.
Cedric is one of the cloud dwellers who lives in the world of poetry and visual arts.
by I, Wreckerrr March 19, 2021
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When you walk into a school bathroom and see a group of teenagers(4-6 teens) standing in a circle juuling.
Student A: dude I had to take a piss and I walked into a Cult of Clouds
Student B: Really, wow
by Blue Clouds ☁️ September 18, 2018
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The cloud juice began to fall, and I thought I was gonna melt into my seat. What a great night it was.
by Chrekol July 2, 2005
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Cloud Nudes is a man or woman who is hogging up all the bandwidth of your network by uploading copious amounts of nudes to the cloud, thereby giving you a very bad internet connection and lag.
Man: "Damn my internet connection is so bad! What is going on?!"
Other man: "Yea, Cloud Nudes is in his office uploading his latest batch"
by JoeriAgitated June 30, 2015
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The feeling of emptiness which exists beyond advanced sadness. A person on cloud 4 no longer looks to fill the empty void and instead excepts their terrible situation without emotion.
My dog died, my girl friend cheated on me with my best friend, and I got fired from my job. I'm on cloud 4
by Daxmaster93 March 8, 2018
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The environment-destroying cloud of stank that surrounds a person who has overdosed on the fragrance.
"Dude, that guy had a serious cologne cloud happenin. I can still smell that shit 2 hours aftyer he left."
by Kim K January 16, 2006
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