The term Moist Cabbage refers to the fetish Act of performing canalingus on a severely festered and diseased vagina of a woman who has intentionally and willingly contracted multiple STI's (usually gonorrhoea, herpes, chlamydia or all of these or more), whilst intentionally maintaining poor personal hygiene by not showering or washing the genital area for periods exceeding 6 months or more. During this time the infection(s) go untreated for so long that the stench resembles a bucket of rotten fish left out in the bin over a hot summer weekend.
If the woman has prepared her "Moist Cabbage" properly it should have a slightly fermented quality with a strong bitter finish.
Person 1: Has anyone tried Rosie O'Donnell's Moist Cabbage.

Person 2: Yeah fuck that shits been fermenting so long its deadly. I heard my friends cousin tried it - dropped dead right away.
by Troutman44 December 26, 2016
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The condition of having gas that leaves your anus wet, having to wipe after every fart
Man, I'm hungover and I've got cabbage ass.
by alphachimp October 11, 2003
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A wad of dollar bills won by playing flip cup (last man standing version). Everybody puts their dollar into a pile on the table, and by the end of the round, the money is likely drenched in beer. Whoever wins all the money puts the crumpled up, beer soaked dollars into his pocket. The next morning when the money is discovered in the pocket, it has dried up into a nice clump of crispy pocket cabbage!
Hey bud, can I borrow a dollar?
Sure, but it might take a minute for me to untangle it from this head of pocket cabbage in my pocket.
by d Slew March 7, 2011
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The revolting creamy aftermath of a heavily abused vagina after a double penetration.

Also see: Two bulldogs fighting over a jar of mayonnaise
After rigorously sledgehammering her roast beef sandwich, clarissa was a dripping froth cabbage.

Clarissa thought she knew it all until we gave her a froth cabbage
by Jimmy Rustlers Grampy July 4, 2013
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An arrangement of phalanges attached by connective tissue to a carnival worker's wrists. Typically small in nature and having the aroma of cabbage.
Luke: Last night I got jerked off by a carnie.

Dan: Wow, how was it?

Luke: Amazing. My cock looked huge in his tiny cabbage hands.
by handjibbers June 27, 2017
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Common name given to the Cabbage Butterfly (species Pieris rapae), which is a small white butterfly that is widespread and populations can be found across Europe, North Africa, Asia, and Great Britain. It has also been accidentally introduced to North America, Australia and New Zealand.
{Marge}: Honey, look over there! There's a Cabbage White fluttering around that rhody bush.
{Drake}: It's a small white butterfly for Christ sakes -- as if I gave a rat's patootie about it!!!
by Telephony August 18, 2014
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