To be beat up or attacked
Bro! Michael got woop wopped by those thugs
by Beon Haberford December 20, 2017
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Sarcastic retort used in response to a comment that somebody has used to induce excitement or shock. Used with a sense of irony, in saying "woop-de-do", or even "woop-de-freaking-do", the second party is expressing indifference or mild annoyance at the content of the comment made.

Also used when one has excitedly passed on a piece of relatively unenlightening information.

Analogous with "so what", "oh wow!", "who cares", "big deal" and "o rly?".

1: OMFG I just killed Chris on Halo!!!!!1111one!!!!
2: Woop dee do......

1: YAY that hot guy just looked at me!
2: Well woop-dee-freaking-do!

1: Did you know that Dolphins can hold their breath for 666.23763548723 years??
2: Woop-dee-do...
by MrKapper December 7, 2005
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An exclamation made when feelings of extreme excitement overwhelm you.
John: "Hey Sheep! You gonna be in Saturday?"

Sheep: "Get the fuck outta here!! Woop Dee Wooooooo!!!!"

Jared: "Life is bae."
by TheRealSheep March 6, 2015
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An over-enthusiastic blurt of expression of happiness.

A common phrase used on the internet.

4chan's most famous slogan for laser use
"I'm chargin mah lazer, I'm firin mah lazer, SHOOP DA WOOP!"
by Murdoc53 April 11, 2007
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The act and process of charging, and firing your laser though, it's commonly spelled lazar when you are truly, Shooping Da Woop.
These are the instructions found on the Shoop Da Woop can:

1. Proudly shout out "IMMA CHARGIN' MAH LAZAR!!!"

2. If your lazar gets stuck, shout out "MAH LAZARS FUKKEN STUCK!!!"

3. If your lazar did not get stuck, or you did not swallow your lazar, proudly exlaim "IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZAR!!! SHOOP DAH WOOP!!!"

Congratulations, you have sucessfully SHOOP DA WOOPED your enemy
by sean5892 March 1, 2007
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The sound ones makes when firing their laser. Originated from the 4chan website.
by Thand August 14, 2008
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any time you are in a awkward situation and there's a silence, you simply say the phrase in a silly voice.
"Hey guys, I have a small weiner.......... WOOP DOOP BOOP!"
by Alexander Hagey October 16, 2008
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