Falling Down Stairs Syndrome, or FDS, is an ailment that afflicts assclowns.


Deliberate Foot-in-mouth, general clumsiness, social awkwardness, and boobery.

Secondary symptoms:

Flushed complexion, sweaty armpits, uncontrollable (and contagious) giggling.

First diagnosed in a middle-aged man of Caucasian and Asian descent who was known to exhibit each feature of said syndrome without apparent threat to his regular physical health, despite the obvious detriment it had on his social state. Simply put, if one was to extrapolate the essence of how said Caucasian/Asian man carried out his existence, one would liken it to a human being falling down the stairs....constantly...at an extreme speed.
Hey Bro, you actually shouldn't laugh right at him because as far as we know there's no known cure for FALLING DOWN STAIRS SYNDROME (FDS); have some compassion.
by N@alie October 3, 2014
A gay man's expression for a woman friend removing a dirty tampon from her vagina.
Your mom called me and said "I am pulling the stairs down from the attic". I responded "please, honey you ain't pulling that shit on me!".
by laughinATCHA January 15, 2010
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When you and a friend think of the same thing and it makes you think of Fight Club. "Sometimes Tyler spoke for me...<tyler> I fell down some stairs. <jack> I feel down some stairs."
Oh man! I fell down some stairs! I was just thinking of that!
by Noa Byrne January 7, 2004
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A phrase used to describe how violently you'd bang the crap out of a bitch who is extremely attractive.
Ted: "Hey, look at that turd cutter on that chick! She's hot!

Jeff: "Yeah man, I'd throw that bitch down a flight of stairs."
by Mike Damone January 24, 2008
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1. A nonsecret identifier between Something Awful forum goons. Canonical answer: "I am protected." In communal memory and appreciation of...

2. An Internet meme originating from Something Awful leader Richard Kyanka's famous "Space Robot Bonanza" ICQ prank, in which he successfully convinces a gullible person that he has created "space robots" from VCR parts to protect astronauts from "the terrible space secret". Unfortunately, the Pusher Robot (which shoves) and the Shover Robot (which pushes) have undertaken to protect the entire human race by pushing them down flights of stairs. Kyanka eventually switches to the persona of one of the robots and convinces the victim that the robots have "protected" Kyanka down the stairs. "The robot" then sends the victim into a panic by offering to protect him, asking for his location, and asking him "DO YOU HAVE STAIRS IN YOUR HOUSE". Similarly to AYBABTU, "DO YOU HAVE" was made into a song by The Laziest Men on Mars and then a Flash animation by Jonathan Robinson. However, in AYBABTU's case the song and animation are credited with kicking off the fad, while in "DO YOU HAVE"'s case they followed it.
"why are u guys all so mean"
"Do you have stairs in your house?"
by Anonymous nongoon October 31, 2006
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A phrase used by www.somethingawful.com goons. It is derived from an old song regarding robots; the author of the song tried to gain fame equal to that of the All Your Base phenomenon. It failed to gain much popularity, but SA goons use the phrase to this day to identify other goons.

A special response is required to correctly answer this question and let the questioner know that one is indeed an SA goon. The generally accepted answer is "I am protected." Be aware that if you use this reply without actually being an SA goon, you may open yourself up to a world of hurt.
<Goon> do you have stairs in your house
<Bob> I am protected.
<Goon> So how about that FYAD thread about mechagirl
<Bob> Fia-what? Who girl?
<Goon> goddamnit you got the stairs response from urbandictionary didnt you
<Bob> Yes.
by Lurky McLurkflakes April 18, 2005
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by Mousthashio69 March 5, 2021
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