Being spontaneous in a calculated way. People who are calculatedly spontaneous have an ability to balance their own personality with themselves; linked with Many Personality Unorder.
When asked about his personality, John Doe just said "calculatedly spontaneous."
by Not Ericc January 30, 2020
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To spew, blow chunks, barf, do the technicolor yawn, or simply vomit unexpectedly
"what's that smell?"
"dude, Mikey spontaneously aspirated in my backseat while we were coming home from the party last night. It took me four rolls of paper towel, two bottles of Nil-Odour, and three of those little green tree air freshers to make it even bearable in here"
by GinSeven February 4, 2010
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a condition that involves sudden spazziness in all forms. The only way to treat this is to remove yourself from situations that could cause spasm attacks of any kind.
I suffer from spontaneous spazticitus. It makes it very difficult.
by person...... July 8, 2010
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(SSSS) a serious disease characterized by unpredictable synchronized shitting of two or more people within 10 meters of each other and subsequent synchronized prayer for forgiveness.
"Can you imagine if today was Thursday instead of Tuesday?"
"Honestly, if it were thursday, we would all contract spontaneous synchronized shitting sarcoma and have to change our pants"
by chessmasterflex January 19, 2010
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To spontaneously aquire. To absorb, to go unseen possibly stealing, to obtain through unknown means, to gain for no reason, manifestation, poof its there.
She uses the art of Spontaneous Acquisition to gather all of the things she needs or I dont steal I spontaneously acquire things and stuff
by Das Lunatik August 24, 2022
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Last night, Mike and I were just having beer watching some TV, next thing I know theres 30 people in my apartment doing jäger bombs. It was a serious case of spontaneous turntuption
by Steve Brule April 2, 2015
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