The magic object that controls all of life.
The remote just made a baby come to life.
Oh my goodness!
by #olderlady October 2, 2018
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Something I’m too lazy to get
Ok time for a movie... oh I forgot the remote, but I’m too lazy to get it, SLAVES GET MY REMOTE!
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a small device used for lazy people lol
by princess_doggy January 5, 2017
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You’d know what a remote means if you weren’t a remote.
Hey ur a fucking remote. “ Tarynn what does a remote mean ?” it means you’re a fucking remote
by Timmothy April 6, 2021
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Remote is such a gaming god audio, machker
omg omg, hes so cool
by RemoteW November 21, 2021
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(noun) Something which is always too far away, even if it's just a metre away from you, especially if you're lying on a couch.

Origin: From the adjective, remote, which means far away.
Mum: Why did you call?
Me: Can you pass me the remote? I can't reach it.
Mum: You called me from the next room to give you something which is lying just next to you???
by Leviosa Dragon March 4, 2016
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a rather large black penis, around the size of a charter remote: typically veiny, hard to look at but you can't look away.
Rocky: *sends peen pic*
Madigan: "ahhh shiiiii that mugg looks like a charter remote"
by Marty markbride May 20, 2019
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