^i think?

1. a hindu god
2. a great person!
3. chocoholic
4. mintoholic
5. aimoholic
6. oliveaholic
7. candyaholic
8. the coolest/nicest grl ever found up in puhpuhpuhpeeewayyyyy,phs

lol..ok dont ask

oh look theres krishna lets go ask for her autograph

by loulou March 25, 2005
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Muhammed Patel is known for being a snitch, he snakes everything even when calling out his out niggers. He wears clothes that have been begged by his parents then ruin it the next day. HE SAYS NIGGER ALOOOOOT, my man callled a hood a nigger and got away with it because he is snitch, noone wants a snitch because he will tell the police.
by S-onicc May 22, 2019
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This boy should eat a cow, and date Jane. Also maybe have 𝐀 threesome with Castle too.
Krish Patel is 𝐀 nice boy.
Krish Patel is Indian.
by Vietnamese Kid From DVA November 6, 2019
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A guy who's magnificently handsome and cute. A guy who has got everyone's eyes but only got his on one👀.He is someone who would help you everytime without expecting back any favour. Can be considered one of the kindest soul on earth but only if you treat him right. He can literally talk to anyone only if he wants to. He lies between introvert and extrovert and changes his position from time to time.
Someone: Do you know 'Het Patel' ?
Them: Oh yes, *goes on to give this big descriptive text*
by Weirdlycoolguy69 November 23, 2021
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To get your numbers wrong. A big blooper. Not understanding basic numbers and sums.
The TV presenter did a Priti-Patel with his numbers and left the stage feeling humiliated.
by DaveLondonJones April 13, 2020
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This is the type of name given to one of the best fathers in the world. His names natu. Natu the great uber driver. Leader of all the smelly gujus. Biggest dick in the world. But beware, because there is a chance he might come rape you.
Hey dude look it’s natu! OH NO RUN HES GONNA RAPE US

Natu Patel means the greatest
by Poopoo October 26, 2018
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