the act of slapping people to death on servers with a sharpness 10000 raw salmon.
Person 1: Hi

Person 2: *slaps*
chat: Unnamed was slain by _RYAN_PLAYZ_ using SPANKER 5000
Person 1: WTF???????
Person 2: Its Minecraft you stupid ass son of a bitch
by _RYAN_PLAYZ_ September 30, 2020
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A game that makes neckbeards who hate Fortnite think that they’re cool
Minecraft is so wholesome 100 chungus Keanu
by Mowlough April 26, 2020
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The game that everyone makes fun of but in reality its better than most games and its like 10 yrs old
by TheRealYEET#5332 March 4, 2021
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A place where little kids get triggered
I am so mad!!! He blew up my house in minecraft
by .JESUS. April 11, 2018
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Minecraft is an addicting game that has no fucking logic what so ever, it’s a drug that will take over your childhood.
FBI: FBI OPEN UP!!!!!!!!!!
FBI: * slowly creeps out the door way so the boy can play Minecraft in piece.
by Į ām grōōt99 May 25, 2019
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What cool kids play, instantly making them superior to their peers. Minecraft requires a great amount of determination, focus, hard-work, and dedication. If you don't play Minecraft, you smell like pure ass.

Minecraft is the best game known to mankind. Roblox and Fortnite look up to this game, wiping away the tears that consist of the sadness of knowing that they'll never be as good as MINECRAFT.

People who play Minecraft make amazing friends. They're cool and typically have really greasy hair, but that's okay.

Minecraft forever!
"Hey, do you play Minecraft?"

"Omg, yes! How'd you know?"

"Your hair is so greasy that it looks wet. Also, you are just so cool dude!"

by gentle snowflakes November 16, 2018
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