White Man's Insurance Policy

The 'White Man's Insurance Policy' is a general principal that posits the ability of a white man, after an exhaustive but failed search for love among white women, to gain the courtship of an Asian woman who is usually younger and better looking, with relative ease. The policy has brought joy to the lives of even the most hideous and rejected men among the white population and angst among male Asian populations.
Dude, I flew to Japan last month and exercised my white man's insurance policy; landed more women than I could count.
by don_juan_7165 May 20, 2019
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The process of washing your car and having it rain the next day.
God damn it Chad, I washed my car yesterday and its already raining. Dude thats the white man rain dance.
by DBCdestroyers September 18, 2011
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Form of pseudo-blues performed by a quartet or quintet of old, white men. The group usually features predictable guitar lines, fatigued saxophones, and enervated harmonicas.

One or more of the performers may be required to eat a fistful of blood thinners to last the entire set.

Practitioners of this form believe "Blues Brothers" is the best movie ever made and that Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton are the best guitar players to ever live.

This music is usually heard at an outdoor, summer family festival or a fall chili cooking contest.
Steve: Hey, remember that crappy tired white man blues band we saw at the book festival last year?
Allen: Oh yeah, with that saxophone player wearing the stupid Blind Faith t-shirt.
Steve: Remember they had to stop half-way through "I'm a Soul Man" because somebody charged the stage with a revolver?
Allen: Right, I think a couple of event volunteers hung themselves after that set.
Steve: Good times, good times.
by LegendOutlaw December 7, 2009
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Modern or classic rock music that falls into the genres of: heavy metal, grunge, indusrial, post-grunge, or punk rock.
I'm tired of listening to this love song garbage. Let's find a radio station with some angry white man music.
by Dan February 12, 2008
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- exchanging sexual favors for room and board OR other financial return.
- incorporates reference to days of slavery when slaves did laundry AND were subjected to the various wills of their masters.
"So, you don't have a job. How do you pay for your drug habit?"
"I call it doing the white man's laundry."
"At the laundromat?"
"No, in his pants."
by Stachay November 15, 2007
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Recurring catchphrase in the film Dead Man, directed by Jim Jarmusch. The line is pronounced by the Indian Nobody. It is self explanatory and multi purposeful. Try it yourself!

(Nobody also appeared in Jarmusch's next movie, Ghost Dog, saying the same line)
by ravy July 31, 2005
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Found predominately in rednecks – when the lower teeth grow or extend past the upper teeth. This condition, if not fixed at a young age can cause digestion problems and also increase the risk of biting one’s own tongue.
Did you see Billy?


He has the White Man's Under Bite! Damn!

Yea, dipshit bout bites his tongue off when he smiles...
by B. Hanback January 23, 2009
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