A website that takes several aspects of the internet, old memes, journals, forums, and just the culture in general, and insults them in the most vulgar and harrassing ways, soley to offend thin-skinned, self-righteous, opinionated readers. It is an unconsequential website full of unconsequential editors, and if their articles make you mad, then they win. Conversely, if you find yourself browsing the site for the hell of it or for laughs, then you will find very few, and you should check yourself immediately for brain ulcers.
TSSROR: Zomg, encyclopedia dramatica, lyk, insulted mah favoret band /comedian /videogame /whatever the hellI'm into *insult insult insult*
Normal bystander: ...Who the hell cares?
TSSROR: But they hirt mah FEEELIIINGS
NB: Then they win, you lose. Have a nice life... or lack of one.
by Msnoodles June 20, 2007
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Satans version of Wikipedia.
1.Encyclopedia Dramatica makes Carlos Mencia look like a genius at comedy. (Its that bad folks)

2.Encyclopedia Dramatica is to comedy as KFC is to chicken.
by realistic person January 28, 2008
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The most lewd, obsecne,and heavily soiled site of feces in the world, showing illcit and nausea inducing pics, hentai, beastiality, & much worse, as well as discriminating facts, stupid $#!%, and $#!% that no one will give a damn about.

Was made by American Nazis rejected off of Wikipedia who were posting Nazi Ideaology to discrimiate and are doing what they wanted.
Encyclopedia Dramatica, the most absoludirous, and biased site on the web.
by Player Killer Murderer September 27, 2006
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a mismash of wikipedia and urban dictionary, except that virtually all traces of urban dictionary's contributors facts, wit, humor and writing skills have been erased.
encyclopedia dramatica is a pretty shitty website that lampoons everything on the internet, without having a single trace of anything remotley funny ever written on their own site, much like something awful
by online handle October 9, 2006
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A tongue-in-cheek website mimicking Wikipedia. Chronicles internet culture rather than factual information, and is largely built on sarcasm and hyperbole.
"I saw this really hilarious but questionably sourced article on Encyclopedia Dramatica!"
by Twinkletits March 13, 2007
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Basically a rip off of the much more interesting and hilarious wikisite Uncyclopedia, as in, it's not that interesting or hilarious at all, as is with all rip offs. Often the people who write articles for the site overuse bold font and the word "gay", then end up finding a way to make themselves look dumb.
Note that all the articles are written by people who can't do come backs for shit and using it's "exclusiveness"(much like Gmail was with invites) to avoid the people or fans of whatever subject to reply back, thus, meaning they can't be seen as even more lame then what they already appear to be. But then again, the best way to know a person is a complete cockshit online is to see if they belong to the site.
"ure gay! Im goin 2 make an encylopeda dremataca(encyclopedia dramatica) ardicle over this! >:("

by BaneTK September 18, 2007
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