When playing Mario Kart and you receive the Thundercloud power up, you are forced to pass it off to someone. This can be referred to as "The Clap" which is short for thunderclap, but can also be used as an entendre for the STD slang term "The Clap"
"Damnit! I got the clap again! I don't want this...here, you take it!"
by JerksWords October 4, 2011
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slang term for gonorrhea
derived from the sound of you slapping the bitch that gave it to you
stupid ho gave me the clap so i struck her
by pottymouthheath July 22, 2010
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The Claps is a word that describe a girls booty bounce. The ability to make it clap while twerking. Dancing like she in a strip club.
"Damn, she got the claps" "I got the claps (i can make it clap, bounce)"
by RGOKY Cat February 25, 2012
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High or on drugs.

Another way it could be used is that the person is very overly tired nd high off life.
"Wow look at Sarah shes so clapped"

"This bitch clapped"
by a clapped bitch March 7, 2017
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clapping is the term used by blacks. it means to get shot or to shoot at someone.
to get shot-yo tht nigga just got clapped like a motherfucker

to shoot someone-"id hate to b in a benz clapping one of my fans" -50cent
by 32565523 November 29, 2006
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