When two females are in the sexual act of scissoring and a male attempts to penetrate in between that sexual act
Bro bro bro, last night I caught Lori and Heather scissoring and I tried to Bermuda gear clasher that shit
by Oh not that guy November 20, 2019
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A UofC tradition dating back to the 1960’s. On the last day of winter sem classes, students party all day and night while wearing bermuda shorts, cheesy floral shirts, sunglasses, bucket hats etc.
Yo let’s wake and bake for BSD!

“Saw some people shotgunning outside science theatre’s…what’s up with that?” “Dude it’s Bermuda shorts day, what do you expect?”
by Greeenbean April 12, 2023
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This country hates the United States of America. They disrespect the flag on a regular basis.
The word Bermuda sounds like a word for a huge bowel movement.
by whydoesthisplaceexist January 9, 2021
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When you lose something in the space between your seat and the cup holders in your car.
Fuck man I lost my phone in the Bermuda, my hand doesn’t fit down there.
by Dejo November 20, 2020
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1. An island.

2. A mysterious feeling in your stomach.
1. We caught a cruise to Bermuda.

2. This Bermuda feeling isn't going away.
by Pocidum June 21, 2022
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3 buddys jerking eachother with their right hand, and fingering eachothers ass with their left hand.
by Metal bender 69 November 8, 2023
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