To rob something and give it out to the people who need it.
God damnit, my neighbour just communized all of the hotdogs from the barbeque, atleast the family under us gets to eat.

My wife loves to communize our leftovers, that's the bare minimum you can do as a white family in the suburb where the state excludes and passes policies that target the homeless and poor.
by Loafur May 29, 2022
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a group of people living together having the shared responsibility of picking fruit
They lived in a commune, picking fruit all day long.
by huntsalone January 30, 2023
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the spread of a contagious disease to individuals in a particular geographic location who have no known contact with other infected individuals or who have not recently traveled to an area where the disease has any documented cases
We have evidence that their is community spread of this virus that’s why we are taking in all acts in order to prevent it from spreading even further
by 1Shot Duke May 9, 2020
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When every one in the community has contributed to the truffle butter and the truffle butter bad morphed into the cheese.
Vikki has the community cheese after the community train last night.
Vikki must ration the community cheese, due to excessive cheese mongering.
by King dingle January 10, 2022
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When you hear the word upper community you just want to kill yourself. Not only that you want to drink as much bleach possible.

Upper community is a community full of assholes, retards and just basic trash of people.
Ew it's the upper community faggots
He's from the upper community, If he is get him away from me.
by MCGNewZ October 21, 2016
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