Puppy Farts; noiseless gas clouds that are between cute and disgusting but still precious making you smile and even praise in non putrid situations only because he is the cutest puppy in the world and only kisses he does, kisses only...
Sam Sam is never punished even when he drops some Small Silent Poots after eating treats all day.
by reborn925 November 18, 2012
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saying someone is sped/stupid

connotation comes from the school system, which places all the special-ed kids in the small bus to go to and from school instead of the big bus with the normal kids
teacher: where is California located?

student 1: in africa

student 2 after class: you're so small bus for saying california is in africa
by TheManWithNoName34 April 30, 2022
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When a person grows up in a small town and develops a fear or a belief that they couldn't handle any or all of the following: 1) Living in a large city
2) Attending a large institution for education
3) Attend large social events without friends or family
4) Not needing a car out of necessity for transportation

These fears also usually are accompanied by:
1) Reluctance to drive in large cities or on major highways
2) Fear of being unknown or not receiving the status, accomplishments, or recognition they are able to achieve in smaller populations
3) Reluctance to leave their home or hometown for large periods of time
4) Fear of missing out on small town traditions

These people generally believe and can see themselves marrying one of their classmates/someone they went to school with, buying a house, and raising a family in their hometown.
Jakob is afraid that if he goes to a big school that he won't get to be the quarter back anymore. We're pretty sure he's suffering from Small Town Syndrome.
by Matson12009 September 13, 2023
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People that give off the impression that their dick is extremely tiny.
"Wow, did you hear what Arnav said to that girl the other night? What an asshole."

"Yeah, I can't believe he'd say that. He gives off small dick energy."
by unknwnmonster April 9, 2023
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Girl 1: He has such small dick energy
girl 2: must be a cranbury kid
by koolkid7 May 11, 2020
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Andrew Tate and his supporters
Person 1: "He supports Andrew Tate and his morals"

Person 2: "that gives off such small dick energy!!"
by daphyducks January 3, 2023
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Mainly possessed by a guy who is insecure, misogynistic and cannot stand women. The average dick size of these individuals are around 1-4 inches
Guys who bodyshame women give off small dick energy
by 4 inch king January 4, 2023
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