The crusty film that forms made of sweat that collects under a breast, usually a large breasted girl, or woman.. or anyone who has breasts large or saggy enough to cause and form pockets, if its large enough to hide items, its large enough to collect dirt sweat lint and small creatures. Liken it to swamp ass or belly button lint..
Dude, she flashed us and under flap fell out.

Much to his surprise and horror when he got done licking there, there was some under flap stuck in his teeth
by SLAA addict July 10, 2012
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Loose skin on your balls do to tiny nuts
Man mark temple has some flap sack showing through his shorts ..!
by Flap Sack April 23, 2021
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A Shart Flap is a piece of absorbent material, like bamboo cloth, sewn into the back of Commando brand shorts to prevent visibility of any shart aftermath.
Thank God my Commando shorts had a shart flap or people could see my Taco Bell accident that snuck up on me.
by Commando Shorts November 6, 2022
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Booty flap is when a girl flaps there booty so hard that whoever watches it, gets a little funky when they watch it.
The girl did a booty flap to the audience in Las Vegas.
by Jimbocamjam November 22, 2021
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She can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Oh, cause she’s tuna flapping.
by Kweenweis January 22, 2018
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When you go down on a lass, spread her legs to open the heavenly gates, as you go down on her you do a loud burp right between the flaps. ( excessive amounts of either alcohol or gas-inducing drinks help with vibrations)
(Dan) Do you remember that 'Shiela' from the bar last night Shane?
(Shane) yeah the one with the fat arse?
(Dan) yeah mate that's the one, well I took her home and after all that beer.......I had to give her the good ol' flap burp!
by Hippybeardo September 29, 2023
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When your mouth overides your ass. Talking way way to much about nothing. Not being able to stop talking.
Dude: that guy won't shut the fuck up!
Girl: yeah nigga, he's got a bad case of flapping yap syndrome.
by Nick"o"letty November 5, 2022
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