She is a shy asian girl, with long black hair. She is smart, and only has a few friends. She is loyal,but hard to get. She is amazing in bed, and can impress you with many sex posisions. She is an introvert, and is hard to talk to. She is also fertile. And if you hurt an anna karolina, she will make your life HELL
wow, she is shy, what an anna karolina.
by Blackyourfriend July 3, 2017
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A modern variation of The Jesus Effect, wherein the majority of people dont care about someone or even like the person(and often disliking them) until they die and then they do a 180 by now worshipping the deceased person and speaking highly of them. They will often go on about how good the person was and act like they didnt dislike/hate/not care about the person the day before they were dead.

A more recent variant of this is "The Harambe Effect"
"Harambe deserved a chance, but they killed him in cold blood."
"This is the Anna Nicole Smith Effect all over again, you didnt care about that monkey but now it dies and youre all about apes rights... Hokay."
by Mgsgta3 December 1, 2016
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a sweet, caring , loving , girl who can make you feel so special every moment your with her or just talking to her.

you will fall in love with her the moment you see her (like i did).

she will do anything for you.

she will give you meany changes no matter how badly you stuffed up.

if she likes you, your the luckiest guy in the world and you should ask

her out straight away.

so pretty much she is the best girl ever <3
guy 1. she looks good, who is she

guy 2. yeah thats brea-anna
by Superpenis58 May 28, 2018
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anna codling

a girl who has a thing for FUCK BOYS and an odd relationship with the men at most fire departments (an illegal but good one )
she also like boys with greasy hair however fancies a change every once in a while (Luke)
she is also part robot and can only have her parts changed up to 7 times a month causing her to ocasionally rust and smell of oil
"you seen that skank over there "
"yeah shes called anna codling"

"Yea me two... KMS"
by kalazorz March 31, 2016
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A human being that is actually a rat on the inside🐀
“Damn look at that rat over there!” *points at Anna Alexandrovna Kondra*
by hecsbmausfscbs July 25, 2022
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The king of pimpri!! Nobody fucks w him...
He fucks everybody. He's just fucking awesome
I would love to fuck Anna bansode tonight
by Joshikage kira November 5, 2023
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a yeet skeet rat who likes to munch on others peoples nummies and pet kitties.
“anna curzydlyzo? are you here?
by grimalpaca August 16, 2019
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