police: I arrest you for for stealing your neighboors toaster
Man: But thats communism
by sverger November 22, 2019
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Mike: did you see my new shoes
Jonny: dude, those are awesome! cool as communism
by Chaos142 November 23, 2021
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Communism is a set of political ideologies that seeks to establish a communist society. Communist society is a society that is stateless, moneyless, and classless. There are two main ideologies within Communism, which are Marxism and Anarchism. Marxists want to achieve a communist society through a transitionary socialist state, which slowly withers away, leaving a communist society. Anarchists favor one of two methods, the Revolutionary or the Evolutionary approach. Revolutionary Anarchists want to immediately abolish the state, and try to rapidly establish communist society. Evolutionary Anarchists want to “build the new society in the shell of the old”, in a process called pre-configuration. With this approach, they want to slowly replace and make capitalism and the state obsolete over time, by creating co-operatives, collectives, unions, mutual aid, community defense, etc. over time to slowly transition society into communism.

There are many subtypes of Anarchism and Marxism as well. For example, some sub-types of Anarchism include Anarcho-Communism, Anarcho-Syndicalism, Anarcho-Collectivism, Individualist Anarchism, Anarcho-Pacifism, Green Anarchism, Anarcho-Primitivism, Anarcha-Feminism, Queer Anarchism, and Mutualism/Market Anarchism.

There are six main branches of Marxism, which are Marxism-Leninism, Maoism, Orthodox Marxism, Trotskyism, Libertarian Marxism, and Democratic Marxism. Marxism-Leninism and Libertarian Marxism each have various subtypes.
Regimes influenced by Communism declined significantly after the end of the Cold War.
by AlphabetMafia2663 September 16, 2022
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It is simple as said, sharing is caring. The word can be use when someone replace a pronounce that are you/your/them/they/he/him/his/her/she and lots morew pronounce to the word "OUR", usually captialize on internet. This can also be used when someone accidently/purposely said the world USSR/Union of Soviet Socialist Replubic/Soviet Union. Also applied at some words such as gulag, stalin, AK-47, PPSH-41, all short of Russian thing.

Note, Russia and Cuba are not communism, Russian federation PROBABLY a democracy state and Cuba is Socialism. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia too. China is the only one to be officially Communist.
probably like this somewhere on the internet:

A: My car is working nice!
B: OUR car is working nice.
C: Communism moment
by absolute mornachy April 21, 2022
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a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
Karl Marx Invented Communism
You belive in Communism
by Lastik man March 5, 2017
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