Your final attempt to bring something to completion. Usually giving all you time and effort into that last attempt. Similar to: “the last straw” “the last ditch effort.”
That was my last stitch effort to get into college
by bren1010 July 27, 2021
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Anything heroic that Joe Leal is incapable of doing.
Johnny: Man, Joe shit his pants before he even took the field

Will: Yeah what a real noble effort.

Jesse: Nah, whatever Joe does is anything but a noble effort

Joe’s parents: Told you!
by TheManicHispanicMexicutioner September 10, 2021
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A term given to anyone who tries too hard when no one else cares
Guy 1: Look at Chris way up in front
Guy 2: Effort Alert!!!!
by Gator12345Gator May 15, 2011
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To preform blatant laziness and complete dereliction of duty at hand
Bill Rick and Kevin demonstrated a poor effort in the office by dropping the ball
by Just pawns July 9, 2021
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