piece of crap MMORPG thats a disgrace to the internet
person one: I got a 2h rune sword n00b!
person two: Who the **** cares? i got a girlfriend
person one: omg u cussed, im reporting you!!!!!!!!!!!11111111
by Runescape is for homos March 17, 2005
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Once there was a boy named Dave. Dave loved roads. He loved to take little roadtrips to places. But when he started runescape, his life changed. A LOT. First, he ditched his friends for GODDAM RUNESCAPE!!!!!! Dave's friends were nice and fun-loving. Dave threw away his SOCIAL LIFE!!! But, that's not the worst part!!! Here it is...
His parents were planning a huge roadtrip across the WHOLE ENTIRE US. California, Florida, Texas, Maine, Arizona. Grand Canyon, Statue of Liberty, Golden Gate Bridge, Disney world... you name it, they're going there. But even with the prospect of a continental roadtrip, Dave chose Runescape. DAVE DITCHED ROADS, HIS LIFETIME PASSION, FOR FUCKING RUNESCAPE. Dave's life was wiped away. Dave isn't interested in roads anymore. Now, he sits in his mom's basement for 18 hours a day playing that sorry excuse of a game they call runescape. He forgets to wash. He forgets to eat. He forgets to sleep. His grades drop to the low 30s. He develops huge cysts on his face. He has no life. He dies of starvation and thirst. At his computer.

So to all you happy-go-lucky runescapers out there, go get a
life, noobs. Especially you, Zezima.
by kill fagex December 25, 2007
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The only game in the world that gets worse with more updates. Addicting. Life ruining. Or life making. Depends on what level you are.
by probably not emma stone February 19, 2016
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Look guys, seeing all the negative comments, I just gotta say something. Yes, runescape CAN be addictive, but you just gotta limit yourself. I know from experience because I was literally playing nine hours a day. I realized how runescape was taking my life, so I stopped playing for a while. About a year later I reactivated my account. I have to admit, a lot has changed, and don't get me wrong, I love the game, but I limit myself. All it takes is a little self-control. Don't listen to the people who say, "Don't play!" It's YOUR choice not THEIR choice. Personally, I would recommend this game, 9.5 out of 10.

Yes, there is lag, and it is somewhat over-crowded, but the amazingness (I may be making that word up) makes up for it. You can do quests, level up your character, and if you need to get away from the real world every once in a while, just calm yourself, go on runescape, and take your anger out on some goblins.

Yes, leveling up does feel good, but don't get to happy and get addicted. Remember, LIMIT YOURSELF, and don't let runescape take away your life.
Example 1:

Friend: Haven't seen you on Runescape in a while.

Guy: Yeah, I knew I had a problem so I deactivated my account.

Example 2:

You: Yes! I just leveled up in Runescape! (Gets addicted)
If this becomes you, don't wait to act, because the mroe you play, the harder it is to quit.

(For example 3, I will use me.) ((I will make up names to protect the identity of my friends.))
Me: Yes! I just leveled up in Runescape!

My Bro: Hey, Billybob just invited us to the park.
Me: No sorry... I'm working on my combat level, mage, and archery.
My Bro: C'mon you've played eight hours today!

Me: Shut up and let me get back to my game!
My Bro: Fine...

This is what Runescape had done to me. So here was the effect of my RR (Runescape Rehab)

Me: Yes! I just leveled up in Constitution!
My Bro: Hey! Sheila just asked us to go to the park. Wanna go?
Me: Sure! Not like I'm really doing anything anyway. (Logs out of Runescape.) Let's go!
by jefferydjb May 19, 2011
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A crappy online game which is only popular because of its free status.
"They updated runescape yesterday! The graphics went from stick figures to claymation! oh yeah!" *high fives*
by Destri October 9, 2005
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A game you should never play. It may seem fun at first but after 2 years you will say to yourself "Holy Shit! This game blows!".
Runescape is a game run by middle school kids because they don't halfto get off thier lazy asses and get a job at CVS, which you will in turn get fired from for no god damn reason.
by Linux System Message March 5, 2004
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An excessively lame game where you play as a somewhat pixelated character. Some call this game an RPG/MMORPG, which technically it is, but a proper classification is UGMMORPG (Unbelievably Gay Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). People say this game is addictive, when in fact, it is about as addictive as being castrated numerous times with a blunt blade. People that play this game are largely 12 year olds who are too faggy to know that there are far better games. Those who play runescap should have their balls pulled off and shoved up their nose.
*On runescape*
12 Year Old> Wow man! I just got full iron plate!
15 year old>>Dude WTF?! Ive been playing this game for a year and i only have bronze! dumbass!

by Patriarch November 7, 2006
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