making fun of someone's favorite sports team to fill the void of not having your own.
Charlie: Ron was gooing on my Falcons because they lost this weekend.

Ian: Well who's his favorite team?

Charlie: He doesn't have one. He just makes fun of mine.
by mr henson October 20, 2009
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that feeling you have after good sex
"that sex i had last night was gooed"
by elise and mandii December 31, 2007
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the best band to ever be created and although they have a pretty large fan base, none of them listen to the good stuff. some might say that iris is their best song, but don’t listen to those crapwads. listen to sympathy and name and then you will contemplate why you have even bothered to exist. you can literally get high depressed happy and insightful at the same time it’s probably better than purple cloud if you want to take your mind off of things.
Lisa: Hey betty lets listen to the goo goo dolls i’m depressed and tired and i don’t feel like smoking weed rn

Betty: sure but we’re sure as hell not listening to iris
by waterbottleplm October 31, 2019
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An unintentionally comical washed-up band, representing the worst of popular, mass-appeal, Walmart music marketed at people with horrible low-rent taste, who were simply following the mindless trends of the time. Now limited to "Reunion" tours, and available to hire for large parties and corporate events. Their name has become a punchline, and a phrase used to describe once-popular radio-friendly craptastic bands who continue to play despite a tiny current fanbase of mainly over-fed and style-retarded soccer-moms.
Dude, it's sad when your favorite band becomes like the Goo Goo Dolls.
by Weiner Smoker February 26, 2018
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A vocal exercise that keeps you calm by relaxing your face.
Person 1: "He recommends vocal exercises, like bro bro goo goo!"
Person 1: "Bro bro goo goo!"
Person 2: "...How is saying a bunch of nonsense possibly going to help us?"
Person 1: "It says it keeps you calm by relaxing your face."
by KaiKaiwaii November 28, 2022
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A man that has no neck and screams in pain using the word goo.
(fingers being slammed in a door)
Man with no neck: Goooooo!
by Gooman54321 August 30, 2011
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