A belt that has a cock attached. To achieve double penitration.
Tina wanted dick tonight,she said she wanted to get fucked in the ass pussy at the same time. So I strapped on my Gar-thock and did her dirty.
by Please flag May 21, 2019
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A noise made when overstimulated, normally an excited or happy overstimulation.
"What would you like to eat for dinner?"
"Gab Gar."
by Cereal.Killer.25 January 26, 2020
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A gar is a noun, verb, adverb, or whatever else you need it to be.
Can you pass me that gar? (the gar, in this case, is a salt shaker)
Go catch up with those gars! (run ahead and catch up with the other people)
The girlies are garring around the town. (everyone is hanging out downtown)
She's being suuuuch a sassy gar. (she keeps talking back)
Did you turn off the gar in the kitchen? (the stove)
by thefionafromshrek August 27, 2021
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"Greasy ass residue". This is the stuff which causes a bacon strip on one's underwear. It typically is generated on a hot day and happens several minutes after having gone poo when you simply didn't wipe good enough. It often forces you to go back into the restroom and wipe again. You must be careful becuase if it gets bad enough, it can be smelled by others if talking in a group. Note: if you can smell your own Gar, chances are good that others can as well.
I went for a run last night in the heat and it was so uncomfortable. When I got home, I had Gar so bad that I had to wipe 4 times.
by Parrothead02 November 21, 2014
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Pushing air through the side of your closed mouth while sort of saying bar at a high pitch.
I love to gar to annoy people.
by GarMaster48 March 1, 2020
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Greasy anal residue. When mucus and shit leak out your ass and creating a disgusting, slimy feeling between your cheeks.
I asked my co worker for some baby wipes cause that taco gave me nasty gar.
by Kawaiibitch420 March 6, 2021
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gar is an instagram community of stupid males headed by there leader "rachit aGARwal" who constantly keeps bullying each other (especially slingshot).
Me: GAR is my religion
Other Guy: yes
by adityamusic172 November 22, 2021
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