Basically the new dumb middle school fad for 2017. Essentially what happens when pre-pubescent children discover how ball bearings work. Fidget spinners nothing more than four skateboard bearings shoved into a cheap plastic frame to be spun in the hand out of sheer boredom in classrooms around the world. Different kinds exist and are designed to be collectible but much like previous dumb fads, they're destined to quickly die out as 2018 rolls around the corner.
Fidget Spinners are like the new Silly Bandz, they're not gonna last.
by JParks2112 July 8, 2017
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i got a fidget spinner! FOR MY 12TH BIRTHDAY
by shaunyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy June 29, 2017
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A Toy that High and Middle Schoolers are too old to be playing with.
"Bruh is that a Fidget Spinner your playing with, Aren't you too old to be playing with toys?"
by YourWetDream104666D3 June 7, 2017
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It means something you spin around that can get stuck places on your body.
"Aw man, look my fidget spinner got stuck on my arm.
by hateeeeeers July 9, 2018
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When the female lies face down on the bed and the male sticks his penis in her asshole and rotates around. Can also be done with two males.
I'm finna fidget spinner that ass
by dandan_fryingpan February 27, 2019
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The most godly creation ever to be blessed on this earth. Do you find yourself lonely or craving something to, I don’t know, fidget. Fidgeting is a talent only few possess. There like tiny ceiling fans for your anxiety.
Guy one: hey bro, look at Tracy over there. I heard she’s a pro fidget spinner.

Guy two: bro, after I started spinning, I couldn’t go back.
Guy one: bro.
Guy two: bro. ( defiantly )
by Spinmyfidget December 28, 2017
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