It means that's how life is. It's used after something unfortunate happens
Jim knocks over Jane's ceramin doll collection and says "Well that's the way cookie crumbles"
by Joe Garifo May 27, 2004
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thats just how it goes or how it happens. theres nothing you can do about it.
Your dog just got hit by a car, someone says, thats the way the cookie crumbles.
by Liquid Racer June 1, 2004
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a saying used by jim carrey in bruce almighty at the end of a news coverage
Buffalo is like a cookie, .................. and that's the way the cookie crumbles. now back to you susan
by cul May 31, 2004
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In other words thats not the way life goes its not always your way.
Kristin- I want a billion dollars without working

Lauren- Thats not the way the cookie crumbles
by moonlightjazzc May 27, 2004
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A word describing a huge worthless event with a lot of people and a small meaning.
If there's a lot of people at a bookfair for example, you say " damn, what a crumble fuck fest"
by Kyle Roberts May 1, 2008
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