yo you seen tony....that n*gga whopped dwn

Im trynna be whopped down tonight wassup, u down?
by quasia August 31, 2011
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To have anal sex.
"Me and April did the bum whop last night"
by Dill Wum December 2, 2009
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To ejaculate into one's hand and then proceed to facially assault another person, with said hand.
Man1: I saw my ex yo
Man2:what yu do tho
Man1: I molly whop her ass
Man2: damn dats groddy
by Beanadrill June 30, 2015
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To smack a bitch or nigga ( depends on what u play for ) with your penis
“ I molly whopped the fuck out of ha last night “
by _xxgloxx January 10, 2020
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A gaming term meaning. To completely destroy ones virtual/online life.
(Oh, Just gave him/her the Whoo-Whop!)
by Jonnyderp October 4, 2014
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1.(v.)to hit one in the stomach
2.(n.)the sound made when hitting one in the stomach (most often the bare stomach)
"Hey Anna, I saw a man running on the side of the road today without a shirt on. It was the perfect moment to a-whop him."
by the best Hannah and Anna August 7, 2008
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