She is normally insane but in a good way. lots of fun and forces you to run through the sprinklers with you at 11 at night. will eat an entire cake with you and stay up all night doing stupid shit. a great friend. you want to dye her hair? cool shell go to target and buy box bleach for you to do her hair. sometimes insane. one of the bestest friends you could ask for.
I only look good when I'm in Teagan's pants
by reamichle December 14, 2020
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A short and wild Oompa Loompa. Is attracted to men with girl names. Teagan’s often can be found under bridges in Central and South America.
Teagan likes Peton.
by ThymeIsUrDaddy May 6, 2022
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Teagan is a black monkey who sits in trees and kidnaps children
Teagan is so black
by Peepeepoopoope May 17, 2023
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A girl who is pretty fake. She'll be your friend for a few years, then drop you for her new boyfriend, and not to mention the guy she dumped before and told him that school was stressing her out, then proceeded to date a new guy in less than a week.. Kinda an L girl tbh. Every Teagan is pretty dumb. An UwU girl, and is a major weeb..
Guy 1: "OMG, Teagan broke up with you and dated name less then a week later?! Wtf man"
Guy 2: "Ya, and name didn't bat an eye"

Girl 1: "Teagan lost all her friends to be with him. What a loser.."
Girl 2: "Ikr! What a clingy whore."
by vrrbatim May 15, 2023
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A sexy beast who has looks that will stun. She surprises you with the things she has accomplished. A Teagan is a person who has both a girly side and a tomboy side, but is attractive either way.
Man, she is such a Teagan.
by Chicken cows November 24, 2021
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Teagan is sexy af.She has anxiety and depression and is emo but she doesn’t care she is trying not to khs.She doesn’t know it but I love her and want to marry her.
by Sullivan Riley loves teagan December 1, 2022
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