A phrase people use when trying to compliment a pregnant woman, typically to make them feel less ugly/fat that hardly anybody understands.
Larry: Did you see Kathy's baby bump?
Susan: Yes! she's got that pregnancy glow.
Larry: Oh...ummmm.... *awkward pause*....yeah she looks...good?
Susan: I know right! I wish I looked that good when I was pregnant.
*awkward pause*
by DragonViperX July 12, 2019
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When a girl gives you a blowjob and then she swallows or gets an facial and then you blurt out "YOUR FACE IS PREGNET" then run out.
by KRIZZLE1994 July 24, 2009
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A pregnancy occurring with girls in East County San Diego, who claim to be pregnant for attention then mysteriously miscarry right about the time they should be showing. It is a habitual act among most girls who suffer from this "pregnancy."
EX. 1: Yeah, she said she was pregnant, then she wasn't. Again. East County pregnancy for sure Bro.

EX. 2: Don't go off getting caught up in an East County pregnancy. Get that shit checked with proof, fool.
by Suckafoochick13 November 14, 2010
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This is a unique and mythical occurrence comparable only to the virgin Mary giving birth to Jesus. A Led Zeppelin Pregnancy occurs when a woman is listening to Led Zeppelin at just the right frequency and volume. Since they rock so fucking hard, the sound waves penetrates the moist undergarments, travels up the birth canal, and rocks the eggs deep and hard with their solid drum beats, tails of love and loss, and thunderous riffery. The hard rocking sound waves are no match for the fragile eggs, they soon give in they are fertilized. The woman then has the honor to carry the offspring of the creators of the music of the gods.
Ed: Yo, did ya hear what happened to Sammy girl?
Joe: Na, what happened?
Ed: She had a Led Zeppelin Pregnancy, now Sammy has to raise the offspring of the gods. How about that hot shit?
Joe: Lucky bastard!
Ed: Tell me about it!
by Mr Hamsandwitch January 3, 2011
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that's my mouth, giving forth life
oral pregnancy
you get it form oral sex
by NotARapist April 21, 2005
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When a male crab becomes pregnant by doing yoga that strengthens the core. In other words male crabs can become pregnant by doing ab yoga.
Joe the crab is trying out the new trend: male crab pregnancy
by Linguine88 April 7, 2020
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A name that's so bad that only a teenager would give it to a child without considering the effect on the child
Guy #1: I've got a date with Jyllyn Dakota Hunter Dunn tomorrow.
Guy #2: What is she, a stripper?
Guy #1: Don't be like that; she's cool. It's not her fault she's got a teen-pregnancy name.
by nappy pappy May 8, 2008
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