An all boys catholic high school where most guys here are stupid enough to shmack on something that looks like a flash drive. If you are a thicc boy then you are prone to getting your ass slapped about 50 times a day (if you are lucky maybe even get your dick grab ;). If your hair is only a little over your eyebrows you will get a J.U.G (Justice Under God). Don’t use the bathroom after lunch time there will shit and piss everywhere (one time some middle eastern kid named armon shit in the urinal). But GO DONS
Hey do you go to Notre Dame College Prep

Haha lol you gay
by Tersonca October 23, 2019
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NDA is the same as everyother all-girl school. Theyre all a bunch of fuckin fake drunk barbies with the small exception of a few who have taken a shovel to the face, and all of whom dont put they cant be considered whores. You cant distinguish them from any other all girl school
"OMG me and my five friends are wasted after sharin a 12oz water bottle of suposed vodka"
by go fek urself March 26, 2005
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The place where the spanish teacher can have an affair with a student and still keep his job and no one questions it. They have no concept of what heat is
by LEmurz69 February 6, 2018
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A man with a hunchback who is typically from south asian descent and has a one sided liking of drinking urine with his girlfriend. One day the IHOND will ask his girlfriend to drink his piss and she, and the rest of society, will reject him.
“You don’t wanna be the Indian hunchback of notre dame. He had to leave his school he was so embarrassed by his fetish being exposed.”
by Calonec May 21, 2021
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Literally the best school ever. Hard core partiers ;) Notre Dame girls can get any guy because of how hot and lit they are. Usually the seniors are the most lit but they are all pretty hot. All of the saint marys boys want ND girls. And all of the ND girls go for saint marys boys, chances are if you don't go to saint marys you'll get denied by a hot nd girl;)
-girls that walk around not even knowing how hot they are.... notre dame high school
-girls who practice at saint marys soccer field just running around while guys watch the girls and wish the girls were sucking their dick....notre dame girls
by The white candle February 19, 2018
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i dont know why all the girls from nda went on this site 2 write about how damn hott they are because in reality it is much farther from the truth
yea i got into nda nd i still didnt wanna go there casue it sucks.
why would i ever wanna sit in class all day and listen 2 how much everyone ate and then threw up later on when they got home?
why would i ever wanna listen to a bunch of fugly dykes sit around a table and talk about how everyone wants them?
a comment from before talked about how everyones just jealous because nda girls will go 2 a better college and marry rich...but ill tell u wat really happens...

an nda girl if they make it out straight will go 2 a college that is way overpriced and not worth it..experiment with "scary things" like alcohol drugs that everyone from every other high school already knows about and either get pregnant/infected with STDs or end up marrying a fat ugly bald guy..but heyy at least theyll have the money to move to hingham or hanover or wherever and continue the ugly tradition
congratulations bitches!
props to the marvale and the other random schools i havent herd of that hate nda as much as me<3
Go to an X nd BC dance and please tell me why notre dame prep girls think that wearing cowboy hats with 15 of there friends and going sober makes them cool?
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1. a harem of faggots that would sooner blow the opposition's offensive stars than actually play football
2. also known as Charlie Weiss' backyard butt-fucking buddies
Wow, the Notre Dame secondary defense tonight looks as confused as a 14-year-old gay kid!
by pissedoffndfan November 29, 2009
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