i’m very tall skinny person who backchats a lot
by ur mums coochie hairs December 17, 2021
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Amy the puta
Wow Amy is a fucking lanky ass puta wid no teeth
by Amyisaputa March 5, 2020
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The definition of lanky is a tall black child named billal who wears glasses and a jacket
You lanky blackie i can't believe your soo lanky your blackie.
by 2Lnamer February 2, 2022
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The opposite of me.
I am short.
It means tall if u didn't pick that up.
Me:that's a well lanky lad
by Barry bang May 27, 2021
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Moving spaghetti legs so fast and in random direction that direction of movement or stance is impossible to make sense off.
Chucking a lanky is unpredictable lanky movement by some one lanky. What's that lanky cunt doing? Dunno bro. He chucked a lanky ayy. Really again? Yea.
by Mr spaghetti legs February 9, 2022
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