The party trick were a woman oils up her breasts and proceeds to lay on the floor and use them to propel herself. Commonly used in ritual sacrifice.
Holy cow!, can you believe that Bethany did the wopple flopper!!??
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Flipper Flopper, the name of the mightiest ruller of thow greatest swamps. Thow king "Flipper Flopper" is the greatest, biggest frog that shall be found in any swamp.
" I was fishing and out of the corner of my eye i saw it" "i saw the king flipper flopper"
by unluckytyler201 May 30, 2018
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A term used as a substitute of the f bomb; mostly used in a jokingly manner towards a fellow bud.
“Joe did you hear about the free pancakes today”

“don’t you be kidding with me roshad
“Nah they’re actually free”
“What the flipper flopper!”
by Gillpickle18 February 28, 2018
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Florida flopper is when a person shoots up some heroin that has a bit of fentanyl in it and flops about on the floor until someone relieves with some narcan, the paramedics come, or they die. If they are female and they just go unconscious from the Florida flop they may end up penetrated in any Orphus by one or more of the guys in the room or a female with a foreign object.
Tina woke up from her Florida flopper with a koi up her anus from coy trying a dirty coy on her.
by Lee Derange September 27, 2019
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bop chicken like a flopper is a line used meaning seggsy time
"you already know, what's going to be happening" -guy 1
"we gonna fuck, downward dog, 69, im gonna bop chicken like a flopper, stick it in his ass, lock it in raw, i'll eat his ass out, cum on my lips" -guy 2
*guy 1,2&3 all laugh at the same time.. first time guy 3 has done anything other than look lost in about 83839 years*
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