A girl who is short, loves chicken, and makes your mom jokes.
I'm inviting an Elise over for a turkey thanksgiving dinner
by Rishi Fishi March 10, 2022
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Loves singing and funny get good grades at school and every thing
Elise got full marks in every subject, let’s be friends with her
by Music lala lover August 30, 2022
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The most beautiful, hot, fuckable person in the entire world. She has the hottest body and softest skin, and the most creative soul you will ever meet while also being the silliest :). If you meet an Elise, you’ve found your soulmate.
Person 1: hey bro, have you met elise?
Person 2: yes she is SICK!!! 😮 💨😮 💨😮 💨 she blew my mind last night
by beanie2044 November 23, 2021
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Elise is an ugly piece of shat.
"Ew Elise..."
by ig0tAmanbutiwantU November 21, 2021
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Somebody with the first name of Elise who is uncontactable and ignorant to replying, responding or returning a response to their peers - Alive but just ignorant.

Alive or just ignorant
George - Elise are you good ?
Elise - ……

George - Alive or just ignorant ?
Elise - …….
by Akala1234 August 10, 2023
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Your best friend your bbg and someone who is very loyal. Elise's are often very pretty and also very kind.
by that annoting white girl March 24, 2022
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An Elise is the worst girl you will ever meet. She is ugly with small boobs and ass. Honestly you should never ever talk to her because she is so annoying.
Damn Elise is ugly AF!
by Dickmaster%% May 18, 2022
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