1. Someone who suddenly divorces your mom leaving you in the poor house and then moves to atlanta, GA. Then after a year or so moves even farther away to the country of singapore.
2. Someone who only calls when he is drunk and angry for no reason.
3. Someone who drinks on a regular and predictable schedule.
Friend: "Where is your dad?"
You: "I have no idea. I think he is in singapore."
by Deadmenkil November 15, 2011
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A person who knocked up your mom at 18, your mom was a heavy smoker, so he decided to take are of you at a young age but he's too pussy to take care of you, so he drops you off at his parents house and he only sees you on "some" Tuesdays, then he'll say he'll be there for you and suddenly when you're 13 he gets a girlfriend, and his girlfriend has a son and he spends all his time with them and never sees you anymore like he promised when you were a little girl/boy. And then him and his girlfriend get married and then her and her son and YOUR father move away to another state and you become emotionally depressed and you cry everyday and your father still thiks he did nothing wrong...
Daughter: Hey daddy can you make it for my birthday?
Dad: No I'm going to be with my girlfriend because frankly, i don't give a fuck about my own daughter anymore.
by Eminem's Katrina xD February 12, 2012
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The fuck you looking up Dad for? You should know what a Dad is, you stupid fuck. Quit being a dumb-ass, y'all know what a Dad is.
Loser: "Gee-Hee i look up what a Dad is since i do not know hurpadur
Normal Person: "You got a fuck-ton of stupid in ya brain if you don't know what a Dad is"
by Flamingbutthole June 16, 2015
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Dad: a word referring to any noun, verb, or adjective (excluding wine) in ANY sentence and can replace any part of an existing word.
Examples: 1. Hey man can you pass me that dad (remote)? 2. I just dadded all over the place (up to interpretation). 3. Hey have you seen my idad (iPod)? 4. Dude last night was rough, I'm so dad (hungover) right now.
by Dizzane May 8, 2009
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The hypocritical man who controls your life, and hates you because he loves you. In your teenage years, he won't let you do anything fun and will always assume you are doing drugs, drinking, and doing other illegal things. He will say you have no rights and treat like shit, because he loves you... He will also try to make you feel guilty when in an argument with him and tell you to move out of the house, but you can never tell if he really means it or if he's just trying to scare you. Dads- you can't live with them, but you can't live without them.
Dad: BlahBlahSchoolBlahBitchGradesBlahBlah

You: >insert excuses here< (dad cuts you off mid-sentence)

Dad: Stop making excuses BlahBlahBitchBlah. (you cut him off to finish what you were saying)

Dad: Don't cut me off while I'm talking!!11!!1!!! It's disrespectful!1!1!!1!! Respect your elders!!!!!!!1! You're a kid, you have no rights!!!!!!!!!!

You: Okay...

Dad: Why do I waste all my time trying to raise you? I put all my time into raising you and this is how you treat me? Why am I always the bad guy? :'(

You: ...

Dad: Fuck you, asshole. Pack your bags and get out!
by Peachez98 August 2, 2013
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A dad is any man, dude, guy, friend, brother, or biological dad. We're all just a bunch of dads and potential dads.
Ethan: (drunkenly) "Dude, this party is a dad-fest, yanno? We need more moms. I saw my dad. he's the worst dad ever."

Dustin: "Man, were all just dads. He's a dad(points) and that guy's a dad. Fuckin' dads everywhere."

Ethan: "I know, eh."
by Dadman May 10, 2011
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