The most versitile actor in the world. Of extremly ambiguos ethnic descent. Starring is roles as Maoris, a Colombian drug lord, an Easter Islander, various Americans including FBI agents, Arabs, a Wellington Electricity Trader of Burmese descent and Fire Lord Ozai (although he has lately been heard to vehemently deny that last one was him). While often critically acclaimed for his work he is also known to have short arms and deep pockets, especially when it comes to the weekly round of coffee.
That is one surly looking arabian fire lord. Go Cliff Curtis! It's Uncle Bully Uncle F********ckn Bully! Wait, no, it's that energy trader again. Wellington is a small place.
by Uncle Fckn Billy May 22, 2012
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Sodapop Curtis is a character from the book and movie The Outsiders.

Sodapop Curtis aka the hottest person on the planet is the brother of Darry Curtis and Ponyboy Curtis.

He always wears a hat or a blue jacket.

Everybody loves this man and I do as well.
Person: Hey, do you want some soda?
Obsessed Outsider Fan: Wait, did you just say SODA?!
Person: Oh no-
Obsessed Outsider Fan: AS IN SODAPOP CURTIS?!
by ifiwasasodaiwouldbelikedirt November 23, 2020
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The living contradiction to the term "The black guy always dies first."
Curtis Manning can be seen on 24 kicking ass side by side with Jack Bauer.
by pizzamanufdoom June 29, 2006
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A Curtis fart is the constant release of flatulence that occurs at regular intervals of 8 minutes which borderline tears holes in undergarments and clears rooms

A sub requirement is for poo to almost touch underwear

Can also be used as a replacement for terrible
you really Curtis farted that test

Or hey! Why are my pants brown?
Because you just Curtis farted your pants bro
by In the hat April 2, 2017
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an absolute chav who is a prick and says shit about others. He tries to get on every girl he sees, and is an absolute nonce
he’s a right curtis williams he’s trying to get on a 7 year old
by curtis is a wanker November 30, 2019
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Founder and leader of, priorities include beer and exposing his minions to the wonders of the intarweb.
Drew Curtis's first post to was a squirrel who was very well endowed.
by Some TF Guy July 6, 2004
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two people that are crazy about each other but are too afraid to admit it. They've had some ups and downs but they know that if they really tried they would be a great couple. Maggie's an outgoing, fun, random girl who can't let go of him. Curtis is a boy who dates other girls because he wants maggie to be jelous. They might be afraid because they're good friends but they would do anything to be with each other. It's love, they just don't want to admit it.
that couple over there is such a maggie and curtis.
by agsfdhjksldfcdgth4wcg July 15, 2010
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