People with the name Athena is a cool,pretty, and kind person. If you know a Athena, you're lucky!
Athena gasped as she saw her best friend, Jess, got bullied. She stomped over to the bullies, and told them to stop. She helped Jess.
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A sussy little susser; a amongi lover.
Armand was being a Athena today.
by Bbussy February 20, 2022
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Athena, they are beautiful pretty get mad a lot has terrible taste in men as well (even if they have the name of Isaac)
Has friends good humor
Guy: Bro shut the hell up she's too fine for you
Isaac: Guys! I have her number-
Isaac:*runs away like a little boy crying cutely*
by Leiilikesfloppas July 20, 2022
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Athena's are very kind nice hot and outgoing. Has a good butt. Will make sure you laugh and is the man magnet. A girl with dark long hair and brown eyes a slim face and body, goldenish skin tone a few freckles and the most beautiful person you can lay your eyes on. They have both inner and outer beauty though they might not realize it. THEM MOST AWESOME FRIEND IN THE WORLD!! If you happen to me and Athena or be her friend / s or even her boyfriend you are lucky; and you should keep her. She does not see any other boys in secret and will not cheat. She will never backstab and always do her best to be kind. Athena makes a perfect friend, they can bring smiles to other people's faces and always help others. They can be a bit and take care. They can be very childish at times but they are intelligent.From an innocent look of reading or chattering, turns into a broad with makeup, and low self-esteem.
She's such and Athena

Athena is so beautiful

Athena is so smart
by Sussybacka288 November 21, 2021
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A person who is very awesome and denys it for some reason 😮
Me: you are awesome
Athena: 😳😳😳😳😳
by Thatguymandudewitdathighs January 19, 2023
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If you have an Athena in your life she will constantly make you smile. She will keep secrets and support you all the way. She is very attractive physically and mentally and has a range of mindsets from attentive and caring, to horny and nasty. Without an Athena in your life you could never fully live life. Truly a great friend and partner you can trust and thrive with.
Ambages: Have you met my friend Athena?
Bones: Oh yea she got some great personality!
by thiti b March 28, 2020
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