Someone that is being fake/mean/bogus and overall a terrible thing to do. An Irene move is the worst type of way for someone to identify you. There is nothing worse than that.
“Damn, I don’t like her no more for what she did”
“She made an Irene move, so ofc no one gonna like her”
by Slim.shadyyyy February 9, 2018
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Someone who is being fake/rude/bogus all together. Overall that is the worst thing someone can do. Nothing is worse than an Irene move.
“Damn, I don’t like her no more for what she did.”
No duh, she just did an Irene move, that’s why no one likes her.”
by Slim.shadyyyy February 9, 2018
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Person one: “I was gonna ask my crush out but I saw her looking at someone else in class today so I decided against it.”

Person two: “That’s a weak-ass bitch move but ok
by AZASTROS November 15, 2019
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Transporting pounds of cocaine in one trip
Girl: Do you want to move a bird later

Guy: What’s that
Girl: It’s 2.2 lbs of cocaine
by Mutationsamen August 15, 2022
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Girl: I can’t believe you got back with your cheating ex. That’s a dumbo move
by Creator of dumbo May 10, 2020
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Girl: I can’t believe you got back with your ex. That’s a dumbo move
by Creator of dumbo May 10, 2020
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A "Sim Move" is when a person does something uncharacteristic of human behavior or action.
How can someone shower while there house is on fire, that's a Sim Move.
by Weed John January 4, 2020
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