annoying girls who think they are "one of the boys" or say "oh my god! I'm sooooo ugly!" but then the next thing you know they compliment themself a millisecond later. They are also attention seekers and compliment fishers
jason: yea bro i totally wanna hang out with you
kaleb: sure, this weekend?
jason: su-
Pick me girl: Oh my god can i come too 🥺👉👈
jason: nah its just for me and my friends
Pick me girl: I can come too right?? Im one of the boys

jason and kyle (internally): ...omg not these pick me girls help us jesus PLEASE
by kawaiirush October 1, 2022
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A girl who goes out of their way to get guys to game with her, who will do other females dirty and cause issues to keep boys to themselves.
"Ewwww, that girl Hollow is being such a Pick Me Girl, those poor guys having to deal with it."
by EmoNinjaPanda April 4, 2022
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a pick me girl is a girl who tries to make herself the center of atenttion or will compare herself to other girls in a negative way and will get mad if her guy friend does not give her atenttion on the daily.
maddy gives me pick me girl vibes
by April 30, 2022
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basically a pick me girl is a girl that is super attention seeking and wants all the guys to focus on her

( look up pick me girl on tiktok and you’ll get a better idea)
oh yeah, emily, she’s such a pick me girl
by totallly.not.ella July 13, 2022
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A pick me girl is a girl (most likely in middle school or high school ) is a girl that is very loud and clingy to a group of mostly likely gamer/skater boys, and claims to be one of them.One of the worst traits of the type of girls is being very delusional.One more trait is they will reject any sort of girly or slightly feminine activity like painting nails , doing hair, and even wearing makeup, and if they see you doing anything remotely feminine they will criticize and critique that.Btw you can say pick me instead of pick me girl.
You’re such a pick me girl!
Stop being such a pick me.
Why do you cat like a pick me?
by Feet are not cool August 17, 2022
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A girl who thinks that she is "Not like other girls," because she hangs out with guys and quote, "Does't do girly things." unquote. The truth is they are just annoying.
Pm:I'm not like other girls, I don't wear makeup, and I hang out with the guys!
Everyone: Have you heard of pick-me girls?
Pm: No...
by damian_brown_1victoryroyale February 24, 2022
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Molly Fellenz in a nut shell
I shouldn’t need to list a reason you know why Molly is a pick me girl
by Cam_Daddy April 19, 2022
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