Relating to SCP-2316. A reinforcing statement to remind yourself that you do not recognize the bodies in the water.

If you begin to see floating corpses in the lake that resemble someone you know or have known: Repeat the phrase “I do not recognize the bodies in the water” while leaving the site. Do not attempt to make contact or try to rescue the bodies. People that enter the lake are considered lost.
John: *sees a corpse resembling the body of a childhood friend (unaware of SCP-2316)* “Oh my god I have to save him!” *John enters the lake and is now lost*

Researcher A: *Sees the corpse of his older brother (aware of 2316)* “ I do not recognize the bodies in the water”
by Flarbsb McFarberson December 28, 2022
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somthing someone says when they are in a reversed video idk lol scomo is a dickhead omg jk but and i rlly jking
ho did you poo i dna like wtf you idiot
by poobutbrain February 3, 2020
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A moment and feeling many are familiar with. When many of your friends have found their missing piece, but you still feel incomplete. It's a moment where you want to be a dumb teenager, where you want to be out at midnight with your friends, where you want a partner, where you feel like it isn't worth it.
It's a hard feeling, and not an easy one to overcome. But life is short, and if you want someone and love them, you should get them.
"I'm so happy for you Chad, but I want to be in love."
by Vacatsi July 12, 2021
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When two men are playing a game of card wars and one man destroys corn fields by flopping the pig
Actually, my Ancient Scholar's been studying the Raise the Dead ability.

The Ancient Scholar comes out of the schoolhouse, holding a spellbook.


So, my Ancient Scholar raises the dead. The Pig is revived. I floop the Pig.
by Ballhair16 September 30, 2023
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