The baddest motherfuckers to ever live. An order of individuals who display the most esteemed amount of gentlemanly conduct and loyalty. Drink it down, drink it down!
“We are a Grand Ole’ Gang”
by tigerbird5476 March 30, 2021
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Alternative to openly calling someone a "Big Dick."

Grand = Big, Richard = Dick.

It is a corruption of the nickname used for Richard which is Dick. Likewise a Dick also was a slang term for a Detective (either Private or police) However being a corruption of an old Nickname this term is an insult.

Likewise this can be used to make a compound insult such as saying someone is being like Grand Richard's Cranium. That is calling someone a 'big dick head.'

The insult can be more condescending saying "Grande Resharde"as if you were using a French insult.
Example 1:
"Hey, I don't give a rat's ass what you think."
*"Just proves here who the Grand Richard is, now don't it?"*

Example 2:
"You missed a wonderful staff meeting. I got to meet the new boss. The guy HR is replacing James with intends to shake things up here. He is a Grand Richard for certain."

*"So your telling me he is a big dick?"*

"Throbbing, erect, and purple headed. I seriously think the guy has an ego the size of Texas."

Example 3:
"Stop acting like a Grand Richard."
*"WTF does that mean?"*
*"... >o<!"*
by Fractious1 December 29, 2017
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When four or more of your friends hook up with the same girl at different times. Can only be completed if each person goes all the way (i.e. hitting a home run).
Dude, me, Bobby, Ned, and Tom hit a Grand Slam with Jennie.
by YaMumz September 10, 2014
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In Counter-Strike, a Grand Slam is the act of clutching one versus five to win a game / series.
I hit my first ever Grand Slam the other day, you wouldn't believe it! A one-versus-five at 14-15, what a game!
by walterP_tv February 15, 2018
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When you fuck six girls at once by sticking your dick in one girls, your tongue in another, and your hands and feet in the pussy of the four remaining girls. Note: there will be a lot of moaning and it will look like you have girls growing off of your limbs.
I just Grand Slammed the six hottest girls is school last night!
by globglogabgalab21 June 10, 2019
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Having sex with 3 women at the same time and having enough stamina to give all 3 of them an orgasm before you yourself have an orgasm.
by Agentzippo July 7, 2015
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When you full send for a coveted 4 days in a row
“Ready to for the long weekend?”
“Yeah, I’m going full send for a grand slam!”
by fullsend101 September 28, 2018
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