Ashley is a tall, loving girl who loves to spend time with her friends. When its comes to there being an argument she is usually the one who patches things up. She is very dirty minded, and also very touchy with those who let her. Ashley is an amazing dancer who doesn't care what others think of her. She like to abuse boys for the fun of it. She also gets mad very quickly, but when shes not mad shes an incredible person to hang out with.
Ashley is a good freind
by ASHARI#12 July 13, 2022
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A girl who is kind, sweet and caring for others around her yet always gets hurt. She finds herself crying over a boy she loved very much but was fooled by his lies. Ashley is tired. Tired of trusting, feeling and being Ashley. But you’ll never see her not cracking a joke. Ashley is a fighter.
“Hey is Ashley okay?”
Yea of course. It’s Ashley.”
by BubbleGumDummDushDarius June 21, 2023
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Someone who is definitely better than her friends a Guard and is only funny looking 25% of the time.
Have you seen Ashley?
Yeah, she’s pretty swag.
by NotLukeW March 16, 2022
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A Nice an sweet girl that loves sports especially Soccer and Volleyball She has lots of freind's

Ashley is usally not very organized but she is sweet and lovable
Kid at school: Whos that cool girl over there playing soccer
Other Kid: Thats Ashley
Kid At School 1: Huh Cool
by February 23, 2022
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Nice tits, and I mean nice ass fucking tits soulmate is probably Grace def not alek cuz who’s that am I right
Ashley’s tits are not Gracie’s there aleks and that’s wiggity wiggity wack
by Graci3.a_ January 21, 2022
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Ashley's believe that if you don't get married you can't have premarital sex therefore you can have as much sex as you want and not go to hell for it. But she is NOT a slut. She has high standards. For example, she has a list of qualities you have to meet before she will hook up with you. Unless you are a lumberjack, in that case you can plow her in the back of her car until she has a pressure sore.
Person 1: "Hi, Ashley, will you help me?"
Ashley: "You do not have the qualities I am looking for. Bye"

Ashley: "Ow. My pressure sore hurts."

Ashley: "My lumberjack left me on read for 12 hours..."

Best friend: "How is your pressure sore?"
Ashley: "It hurts."
Best friend: "Good thing you lay a blanket down now!"
Ashley: "YAS"

Ashley: *sucks dick* *pukes* (only twice though) ((on best friend))
by anonymous. but definitel not a November 11, 2021
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Ashley is a person who will give a guy named Jarek free rent for the rest of his stay at the house
Ashley needs to help jarek out cause he's broke and needs weed
by Ashley a 7717 December 20, 2021
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