Referring to loose labia, also known as pastrami curtains because it can be easily blown around in the wind. However the term "Roast Beef" is generally for women whose snatch is more brown then pink, and the lips stick together like a grilled cheese sandwich. As age starts to progress, their meaty flaps start to dangle and look like two slabs of roast beef stuck together with mayonnaise, thus the term "Roast Beef Snatch."
I fucked this cheerleader the other day and her roast beef snatch looked like it went through a meat grinder.
by Uncle Renegade October 5, 2017
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Originating in late nineteenth century Bordeaux, a gasket snatch, from the French snache gasquite, refers to a particularly snug example of feminine anatomy.
“Merde mon frere, cette chatte est trop serree!” “Shittt my nigga, dat pussy is tooo tight”

“Merde oui, frere. T’ai la snatch gasquite” “shit yeah nigga, you got you a gasket snatch
by Hebrewsallday August 1, 2023
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A large pair of long, thin, stainless steel tweezers similar to those used by chefs to place garnishes, but instead used to quickly retrieve a gasket from a slotted trench drain.
“Dang, another gasket just fell in. Can you pass me the gasket snatch?”
by Hebrewsallday August 1, 2023
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When a woman's vagina is so loose that it makes a whistling sound when any strong wind is blown through her legs. (As is the case when running. )
Oh man! You can hear that whistle snatched coming from a mile away.
by AlottleBit July 6, 2021
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A red headed female whose pubic hair resembles that of a clown.
I think clown snatch is wanting my johnson.
by urbandiclova October 19, 2010
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Front snatch used in military terms for front land rover. But more often used the vaginal space on the female human.
Get in the front snatch!!. So you run and dive in head first for both examples.
by Slagslayer February 19, 2014
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