Originated by Zee™, baby banana refers to a small penis.
"Isn't he adorable?"

"Yeah, but he has a baby banana."
by ZeeCute December 16, 2013
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where you get your mother to insert a rotten banana far up the anal cavity, when pulled out this causes an explosion of shit from the sphincta spraying all over the mothers face. you then take the banana from your mothers hand rub the poop off her face and deep throat the banana.
the mother gives son a infested banana
by joe dirty banana October 18, 2010
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1. Someone who eats bananas sexually to get attention, or to signal a want for sex.

2. Someone who really likes bananas.
''Wow, did you see him at lunch today?''

''I did, he really showed that banana who's boss''

''He's a total banana lover''

EX 2: ''Mhhhmmmm... i've had 10 banana's today. ''

''Wow bro your a real banana lover.''

by Gdog88 March 31, 2009
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In American football, this is an offensive formation which is (apparently) used exclusively by Pittsburgh teams, especially the Pittsburgh Steelers. The term seems to have been made up by radio personality/sports broadcaster Bill Hillgrove, who perceives this formation to be in use constantly throughout every Steelers offensive drive. No one is actually sure what he is talking about, but most agree that it is fun.
"Ben in the Shotgun... Steelers have a banana bunch right..."
by AdamMF November 19, 2006
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1. proper byproduct of fellating
2. the act of gently poking a sexual partner in the eye with an erect penis
3. additive to smoothies
1. chick's lips were soo right, bra', my man-junk launched a banana shot to the moon
2. i woke my bitch up with a banana shot
3. i'll have a Very Berry Smoothie with a banana shot Memory-enhancing booster
by stephen dorff February 10, 2010
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A banana queen is when a women likes to masturbate with a banana
“I watched your gf masturbate with a banana last night. She’s the biggest banana queen in our school”
by Okaylol42069 November 28, 2018
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banana points

1. points you get in Monkey Ball

2. a fun word to say

3. Beebo's favorite phrase
You got about 100 banana points for that.
by Sqeebe January 29, 2009
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