A nap that lasts for most of the day
Man, my girlfriend has been asleep for 12 hours. It has turned into a real RyAnn nap!
by Urban-Jon August 26, 2019
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I'm reaching down for my fap nap so I can get to sleep tonight.
by Ereck Flowers May 29, 2019
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the long ass naps you take when you're hungover
"I just woke up from my 4th hangover nap."
by bethany_esda April 8, 2019
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It is when you feel the Holy Spirit roll through you so hard you need to take a three or four hour nap
Oh goodness I feel the need to take a church nap.
by Astronomyiskool July 5, 2017
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What happens just before you decide to get clean and sober.
Dude you are spun the fuck out. Eat a Two sandwiches and a nap. Then you should think about going to rehab.
by MURPHY45INC July 18, 2022
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When you just have sex (typically man to woman) and the pussy has you weak from long exercise so much that it ends up putting you to sleep usually for 2-3 hrs
Friend: yo! Where have you been ive been trying to skate

Dude: i just had a pussy nap , ill be out in a sec
by RetardedWizard May 24, 2023
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When it's past midnight and you say goodnight but when it's really morning , so you end up saying Good nap.
Texting after midnight

Friend 1 : alright goodnight.
Friend 2: alright goodnight, or should I say good morning.
Friend 1: yeah you're right it's morning but it feels weird .
Friend 2: in that case "Good nap".
by Potatowarrior7 August 30, 2023
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