(sm-yes) n. an overly decorated or exaggerated person, place, or thing;
v. to greatly overdo something; most frequently used to refer to one's appearance
Dude...either take off the necklace, the bracelet, the earrings, the chain wallet, the watch, the belt buckle, the sunglasses, or the hat, because you are totally smyess loading it.
by Tsnake250 December 6, 2007
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A Superhero Extraordinnaire load runner is
by Charlie Chucklebutty May 15, 2008
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It’s how many deposits of seman you have placed in your mouth. Also known as LIM score.
Casey has a loads in mouth aka (LIM) score of 1.
by Ridgeway42 February 16, 2022
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A metric fuck ton only said by people who are in middle school and dont like cursing also Catholic grandmas
"O boy i sure do have a fudge load of homework"
by Zoë the cock master March 17, 2017
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A loaded traffic cone or LTC for short is a weapon in a combat game that is so overly situational that it becomes useless in situations that go even the slightest bit outside of it's intended use.
Bob: I just bought the 93B-Lake in Calling Honor

John: The 93B-Lake is such a loaded traffic cone
by pejafme December 26, 2020
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Simply put, To get destroyed by someone.
Jimmy is acting salty as fuck. He’s about to get breech loaded by the boss.
by Adobada666 August 4, 2022
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when you go to finger your girlfriend and your hand comes back out with a fully loaded (stale) tampon
Bro me and Jane were getting funky last night but the mood died after she gave me a fully loaded chip”
by nowboiwhatthehellboi August 6, 2021
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