Means Bottle of Water, usually used to make fun of the British people.

''Hey dude! Get me a Bo''le Ov Wa'Ah'', Hahaha!
by NWFdic March 2, 2023
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when a fox is sick and you shouldn't mess with him/her or it'll Rape you or ban you or kill you
by The mEmE boy December 8, 2017
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when your main man want some hand pussy
Hey man im gonna jerk le gherk be back later.

Sounds gucci fam
by Halfbagel January 23, 2016
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When you want a waffle but your wife wants dick from you but you wont give it so you give her to a homie while eating a waffle
Jane wants some dick but cant get it from Jack because he wants a waffle so he calls a homie to pork his wife and now shes pregnant with a mixed kid and he has no more waffles, there for he is LE CUCKWAFFLER
by PenisBoy69420 July 17, 2020
When you fart and the air comes a bit front and tickle / vibrate your vagina.
Me: **Smirking inanely**

Him: “What are you smirking for?”
Me: “It’s Le Toot De Coot, don’t mind me”

Him: **Smirking**
by Hounty Bunter May 6, 2023
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Term for a fancy Lesbian. Not an ordinary Lesbian, but one with class, style and taste and all together fabulous. (Feel free to add an accent.)
Look at that Les’ Bian!”

Oh, she’s a Les’ Bian”
by Porch Night Bitches May 30, 2020
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I searched le' Safari e' Web all day long and i couldn't find!
by anastacia.d November 4, 2006
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