A term used to describe a girthy, round, and abnormaly large dog. The first part of the term, ''wee wee'' because pigs make a wee sound when they squeal. Man, I love wee wee sausages.
Stacy: Hey John! Look at that wee wee sausage over there!
John: Woah Stacy! That's quite the wee wee sausage.
Stacy: I love wee wee sausages.
John: Me too.
by shilohistired July 16, 2023
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JackSucksAtLife’s wee wee bush is the bush that a famous English YouTuber, JackSucksAtLife, “wee-wee’d” in when he was doing an in real life GeoGuesser video in a celebration of the channel “Don’t subscribe” reaching 700 thousand subscribers.
Hey did you hear the news about JackSucksAtLife’s wee wee bush?
What news?
JackSucksAtLife's wee wee bush wee wee bush was marked on google maps!
by DarckFrom_iGuess November 7, 2022
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Beta Male: Om my god I feel so cucked right now
by FinchStaff November 24, 2021
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when a woman's vagina has teeth and has at least mangled 20+ or more male penis's. Becoming the modern Thot medusa of the new modern era.
For example
"My friend james charles fell into the legs of "wee wee destroyer" , he ended up sadly being gay afterwards to cope with his loss of said penis"
by NOHEAT AGENT 21 December 8, 2019
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When a toilet is needed but cannot be found and you end up wth wee wee in your trousers. Creates a large discoloured patch around the scrotal area of the victim.
Damn, you frightened me and now I have wee wee trousers.
by Shimbels June 10, 2010
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