Usually what the bitch sais after you dump your load on her face. A very good indicator that you''l be sleeping on the coach and getting no pussy for a long time.
After emptying his sack onto her kisser, Janice told Bob that they 'need to talk.'
by James Bourne September 23, 2003
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When your boyfriend gets bored but decides to dump you nicely so he can still get a shag when it pleases him. Usually followed by the phrase I still want to be friends and it's not you, it's me.

What your mom says when she finds out you fucked your now ex-boyfriend.
Guy: We need to talk
Girl: *cries*
Guy: Look, it's not you, it's me, I mean I still wanna be friends... it's just not working out.
*Girl gets lots of cuddles of now ex-bf, goes home and peices together heart which is then shattered again after the discovery of his new gf*

Mom: Rebekah, we need to talk.
daughter:*panics and mutters 'oh shit, I'm gonna get a bollocking coz of that twat... and that cheap new tart of his... It hurts :'('* *faked innocence* Why?
Mom: Rebekah have you ever had sex?
Daughter then comes up with a lie which mother sees thru instantly
by Bekkalumz July 14, 2005
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A common phrase on the TraumaSMP Minecraft server. Usually only said when Endella is mentioned.
"We Don't Talk About Endella."
by Endella March 27, 2022
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What a gurlfriend tells her boyfriend when they did something worng or they are breaking up.
Rita telling Dean they need to talk about the way he drinks. or Rita telling Dean they need to talk because she had enough of his BS and it is over.
by Stephanie September 21, 2003
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An honest observation/fact that no one speaks aloud due to pressures/threats/denials/shaming by elders, managers, media, and other people in positions of power or influence.

An honest truth or question unspoken for the sake of not upsetting a person, people, or situation.

Something/Someone hidden not to shame/upset a third party.
"How can they be angry at us?! Of COURSE we're behind! We need four people to do the job, and they only gave us two!"
"Hey man - we don't talk about Bruno. They just want us to get it done."

"I heard Monica's sister is sleeping with-"
"Ayyy we don't talk about Bruno about the party, okay? Just be cool and keep it topical."
by ShadeHermit January 12, 2022
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A word that is almost always followed up with shit, fuck, how did you know, and I think we should break up/get a divorce.

Usually used by girlfriends to break up or wives to complain about how Becky flipped her off in work.
Situation 1: Vivian: We need to talk
Daniel: (sighs inside) I think we should break up.
Vivian: What'd I do?
Daniel: Have sex with my best friend and tell me about it

Situation 2: Marcia: We need to talk.
Richard: (inside mind): FUCK (out loud): SHIT
by British Black Cocks March 24, 2017
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