The sexiest and hottest man on the Planet. Even better than Georgia.
Stone is sooo hot
by Erik503 September 30, 2018
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usually has dimples, plays basketball, and has a long ass dick
damn that boy stone fine as shit dude
by jackerbooty February 24, 2018
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Smoking to the point in which ones self is beyond high and sees everything with less reality, better insite, and goes in to deep thought about things and starts an account on a dictionary site for no apparent reason looking at definitions and thinking about those
I was so fucking stoned
by April 8, 2015
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To become a stone after smoking.
Yo it's josh and he's so stoned.
by Fuckchris May 16, 2015
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if somebody has smoked weed and for example laughs about his i do.....
oh my god im so stoned that im writing these stupid definitions at this funny website on this funny thing...hmmm...yeah......internet.....
by karl moik April 28, 2004
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the point where u laugh so much that your sides hurt. then you and everone your with spaces out for a half hour before going to get food.
we were so stoned last night that we went to the drive through and spent 25 dollars on the dollar menu
by manprin March 24, 2006
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A state of mind, achieved by taking drugs to the point that you are impaired by them. As appose to the euphoric feeling you get, the high.

It often refers to marijuana intoxication, however could also be used to describe any intoxicated state. (eg. while on mushrooms, alcohol etc ... ). Other drugs have don't have a stoning affect (or one at used dosages) such as MDMA, which can be very clear headed.

Caution it is still not recommended you drive while under the influence of any drugs, stoned or not.
This is gooooood weeeeed..... Im very stoned.......

Mushrooms got me so stoned, I couldn't roll a joint.

"And the waitress is practising politics
As the businessmen slowly get stoned"
-Billy Joel, Piano Man lyrics
by Cool P June 1, 2005
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